Narayan, Narayan, Narayan... Hari Om, Hari Om... Indian police have arrested Sant Shri Asaram Bapuji merely on the basis of accusations of sexual assault made against him by a 16-year-old girl! Unbelievable! This sheer calumny is unquestionably the most conspicuous symptom of the degeneration of Indian culture and civilization. The only good thing that has come to the fore during this controversy is to what great extent the two main political parties and the police force fear and protect godmen like Bapuji. This intimation has been highly inspiring as I myself have been contemplating of becoming a Guru Ma. Spirituality is a highly lucrative business as opposed to blogging, which is all hard work sans pecuniary benefits.
I have an atheist friend who says all godmen and godwomen who believe that they are God or His emissaries are psychopaths. This feels like a stab in my kidney because many times I have confided in him my desire of becoming a spiritual guru.