Prescriptions For Life

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

If you are reading this, I am 100% sure that you are a living being. Therefore I want to acquaint you with some basic medicines that alleviate the pain associated with living. In 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow had proposed a theory of hierarchy of needs, which is usually depicted as a pyramid with most basic needs at the bottom and the need for self-actualization at the top.

I had actually made my own list of needs, but then discovered that Maslow’s pyramid covered most of them. So I decided to cite a few needs from the pyramid and warn you about their side effects:
An interpretation of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom (via Wikipedia)
Note: 1. I have updated the second rung from bottom with ‘full-time internet.'
           2. I have added ‘blogging’ at the top of the pyramid. You may add your own hobby, vocation, or profession, if it makes you                      happy.

1. Physiological needs - Food, water, sleep, etc.: Too much of food, water, sleep etc. without any hard work can make you obese and damage your internal systems and organs.

2. Safety - Security of: body, employment, resources, property etc.: Beware of your obsession with security. Otherwise, you wouldn't even know when it turned you into a prisoner or a slave.

3. Love/belonging - Family and friends: As much as you need friends and family for your well being, the same people might drive you crazy or consume your life. From minor nitpicking and nagging to serious demeaning and demoralization, they could drive you to suicide, and in rare cases, even kill you in a fit of anger.

4. Esteem – Achievement, self esteem, and confidence, all these virtues are signs of a fulfilled life, but please rein in your confidence when you are standing on a cliff hanger ready to jump, thinking you are a superman.

5. Self-actualization – Morality, creativity, lack of prejudice etc.: All the needs that you have read until now are, in a way, also true for other animals. But the one at the top of the pyramid is only for human beings. In case you are a donkey, or a dog, or a pig, please ignore this one and carry on with your prejudices, bigotry, propagation of lies and hatred, and perpetuation of useless social conventions.


  1. Giribala, hats off for such a beautiful interpretation of Maslow's theory of Hierarchy of Needs! Please send it to some management institutions for their consideration to include in curriculum:)

  2. Good one.Should be discussed in IIMs

  3. Giribala ! Absolutely incredible ingenuity from you in this re-interpretaion of Maslow's theory ! Hats Off :)

  4. Ha GB! Maslow must be doing a silent jig in his grave.

    "In case you are a donkey, or a dog, or a pig, please ignore this one and carry on with your prejudices, bigotry, propagation of lies and hatred, and perpetuation of useless social conventions" - is a killer!

  5. How apt..

    Blogging at the top of the pyramid!! Now I understand this urge to come back to it every few days!!!Can't do without it!!

  6. Creativity and bloging at the top - how approrpiate !
    In case you are a donkey, or a dog, or a pig, please ignore this one and carry on with your prejudices, bigotry, propagation of lies and hatred, and perpetuation of useless social conventions - fantastic end to the post !

  7. Well a new twist to the Maslow's hierarchy that we learnt. After all things ought to move with the times including the pyramid :).

  8. Mr Maslow would be turning in his grave somewhere for not being able to blog, now that it is possible!

    A trademark Gristmill presentation!

    1. Thanks! Pity those past masters could publish only in journals :-)

  9. You have the priorities right -- blogging and full time internet. Way to go Management Guru Giribala :)

  10. wonderful presentation Giri! keep it up!

  11. good one, how do you come up with the content!

    1. Hi Gayatri, it is always a struggle to come up with a topic, but eventually something does crops up :-)

  12. Some like or try to keep it upside down.

    1. Lol!! This should have been the theme of this blog post!!! :D

  13. Life in a pyramid. *bows*

    Personally, I'd add sense of humor to the top rung.

  14. Yes... the sign of highly evolved people :-))

  15. Loved it. I definitely need blogging to live, could I shift it lower in my list, right next to the internet connection.

  16. Good one...It was quite interesting. :)

  17. Awesome stuff! I am going to do a personal version of this as a keepsake. As an ill-fated management student, this is the least I should do :)

  18. At the bottom of the pyramid, there is sex. But it can be replaced by masterbation. Sex can move one level up in the pyramid
