Hello everybody, I am Raveena Tandon. Welcome to Vodaphone presents It’s My Life powered by Stayfree Advance, in which one celebrity re-lives their life, and we get to experience the lows and highs with them. In every era, there comes a leader who captivates public imagination and becomes their mai-baap-sarkaar. Today, we have among us one such big gun, who has been serving his subjects, or his praja, for the past twenty years. You can see from the picture on the screen how well-off the praja has become under various rajas like him. Please welcome, the one and only, highly respected, Kunwar Raghuraj Pratap Singh. Applause, music.
Seven dancers in colorful Punjabi costumes appear on the stage and dance
to a song played to the tune of Daler Mehdi’s Bolo Ta Ra Ra Ra.