Letters From a Father | Episode 20 | Egypt and Crete

Thursday, September 12, 2024


In this letter, Nehru explains about ancient civilizations in Egypt and Crete, focusing on their culture, architecture, and beliefs.

He begins by describing the impressive structures in Egypt, such as the pyramids and the Sphinx. The pyramids were tombs for the Pharaohs, who were buried with treasures for their afterlife. Nehru mentions the discovery of King Tutankhamen’s tomb and the mummies, preserved bodies of the Pharaohs. He also highlights the advanced engineering skills of the Egyptians, who built canals and lakes for irrigation.

Then he writes about Crete, an island in the Mediterranean, and talks about its ancient civilization. He describes the palace at Knossos, which had advanced features like water pipes and beautiful artwork. He also mentions myths associated with Crete, such as the story of King Minos and the Minotaur, a creature that supposedly received human sacrifices. He uses these stories to explain how early religion and human sacrifices often stemmed from fear and ignorance.

In the end, Nehru expresses relief that such sacrifices are mostly a thing of the past, although animal sacrifices still occur in some places. He emphasizes that worshipping through such violence is a strange way to show devotion.

Tags Jawaharlal Nehru Indira Gandhi letters Pita ke Patra Putri ke Naam by Jawaharlal Nehru Letters from a Father to his Daughter Nehru ke patra Indira ko Nehru’s Letters to Indira पाठ 20 "मिश्र और क्रीट" सारांश अध्याय २० मिश्र और क्रीट Lesson 20 Egypt and Crete Summary


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